
Everything Forge => Updates & News => : abisso December 24, 2011, 01:11:49 PM

: December 2011 Update
: abisso December 24, 2011, 01:11:49 PM
Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Ashura, and any other festivity you may be into. And happy new year, in case you use the Gregorian Calendar.

And since Winter is quite cold, let's warm a bit by speaking about Forge.

December has been a slow month, and a short one as well, but there has been progress and some good news. The most important is that a lot of people have offered their help, in form of donations and project assistance. Some of them are voice actors, some others are graphic designers and concept artists, there's a (bullet)proofreader and a musician.

Now it's time for some holidays though, so I declare the project suspended until the 7th of January.

I wish all of you fans and contributors a great time which I hope you'll spend with your beloved ones. And if you're all alone, come to Italy so that we can share a bottle of wine together and make a toast to the Age of the Great Guilds!  ;D

I love you all.

: Re: December 2011 Update
: Wonkyth December 25, 2011, 07:05:39 AM
Holidays Away!
Wish I could come join you in Italy, since the weather here in Australia is being not only boring but generally unpleasant.
Drink a bottle for me, though, and try not to drive into any trees!

May we see much progress in the coming year!  :)

: Re: December 2011 Update
: Black_Star February 05, 2012, 05:36:59 AM
Hello  :) I've been following your "progress" page in the site from months and probably since the last year at least, and I'm happy that today I went there and I've seen so many 90%/95%  ;D go ahead! I'm sure the game is going to be great and I can't wait for playing it! ;)

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