
Everything Forge => Updates & News => : abisso May 26, 2012, 03:58:17 PM

: May 2012 Update
: abisso May 26, 2012, 03:58:17 PM
Hi weavers, how's it going?

Here in the age of the Great Guilds, time flows slower than on Earth, you know? Either that, or I'm lazy.

No, seriously, there definitely HAS been progress in these 3.5 months. Demo is still in the process of being fully assembled, but the needed stuff is almost all there. I've even started auditioning voice-actors and found three very skilled ones (in addition to those who I'm already in contact with, of course).

I plan on beginning betatesting in less than a month. Beta will probably lack sfx, as those are still being made, but everything else will be there.

Don't forget this release will only contain Chapter One, but it will look more or less like the finished game except for that.

Other news? The musician that has composed about 70% of the game tracks told he would be interested to continue working on the game after the demo, and that is nice, since I like to have stable cooperations.

Two of the concept-artists that I've scouted during the beginning of the year proved to be capable and dedicated, and I hope they will stay as well.

Code is getting better and better, and I even found a way to save a lot of resources and the need for dozens of time-tolling animations. I hope you'll like it, but I won't reveal anything more until the demo is out.

Bad news: still no background artist and no official spriter and animator. In these months I had to outsource small pixel-jobs to about 6-7 different people, sometimes losing more time in explanations and email writing than the time actually gained. For this reason I've began spriting and animating myself, but since I'm not a pro I'm only working on small things. With the exception of a background... but don't panic! It's a "special" background and so it didn't require as much effort as the others.
But I don't plan on doing graphics in the future, and even if I wanted, I would not be able to work on the most complex ones: so I still hope to find a team member for that.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for the delay. May the Pattern be with you.

: Re: May 2012 Update
: selmiak May 26, 2012, 05:34:51 PM
sounding good (besides the bad news), sounding really good.

but... will you have time to work on TNT? ;)

: Re: May 2012 Update
: Estme May 27, 2012, 11:29:04 AM
That's nice to hear :) Btw, I've just sent you an e-mail with my plans on getting back to work on concept art (and some holiday plans as well). These exams are killing me and I'm really happy I'll be able to work again soon.

: Re: May 2012 Update
: abisso May 27, 2012, 05:09:05 PM
@Estme: thanks! You're one of the concept artists, of course! ;) I've replied to your email just a bunch of minutes ago.

sounding good (besides the bad news), sounding really good.

but... will you have time to work on TNT? ;)

lol. Now everyone probably thinks I'm involved in the explosives industry. But I'm not, I swear: neither trinitrotoluene nor Teenage Ninja Turtles.

: Re: May 2012 Update
: selmiak May 28, 2012, 06:59:36 PM
yeah, it's even more explosive ;)

: Re: May 2012 Update
: Wonkyth May 31, 2012, 10:30:20 AM
IMO, any progress is good progress. :3

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