: Going away/coming back thread : Wonkyth January 19, 2013, 12:50:00 AM In the interests of good communication, I'm making this thread to say that I'm not gonna be around for the next week, maybe more. Hoping to jump right back into testing once I get back, but I'll at least make sure to keep up with the testing agenda; It tends to be very hard to resume testing if things pass one by.
But yeah, hope everyone has a productive etc week! P.S. I figure this thread could stick around, just in case anyone else felt they also needed to herald their departure/re-arrival. Can be useful for keeping a community healthy. ;) : Re: Going away/coming back thread : abisso January 19, 2013, 11:54:03 AM Well, I hope the reason for your trip is a pleasant one, and since you already did some testing, there's no problem.
I'll consider opening up a sticky thread for this same reason, but I wonder if that should actually be inside the Beta-testing discussion instead. I'll think about it. : Re: Going away/coming back thread : natsfan January 19, 2013, 12:07:02 PM Ugh, my laptop picked the worst time to stop working. As much as I'd love to install the Forge beta on a school computer, I'm going to have to turn in my first beta a few days late, I think.
And I was super stoked to see the beta, too... :( : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Alex January 20, 2013, 06:56:27 AM I suppose you could say I'm back. While I still have browsed the Forge forums, I have felt too busy to do beta testing, so I didn't sign up for that. Not sure if it's too late for that now, but if you want me to help out with it, I'm available.
: Re: Going away/coming back thread : abisso January 20, 2013, 03:49:19 PM Sorry Alex, but it would be very unprofessional to inlcude you at this moment, although I'd really like to. There has been plenty of time, and I was 100% sure that you hadn't missed the topic. My guess was that you didn't want to taint your playing experience by seeing an intermediate, buggy version, but I understand now that this wasn't the reason you didn't sign in.
If I were to include you, I'd have to do the same with other people, but unless some of the current testers resign, I'm against that. Your help offer is appreciated though and if I'd decide to open the subscriptions once again you'd be my first choice because you are, and I'm sure you always will be. a piece of Forge. @natsfan: just do your best to keep the pace. On a side note, I'm actually typing and browsing from a PC whose screen is messed up very badly. It all happened suddenly a few hours ago (more or less) and I truly hope the problem is just the cable and not the actual monitor. Whatever the matter, I'll take care of it tomorrow, or so I hope, but in the meantime I won't be able to work on the game much. Thumbs down for technology. : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Alex January 21, 2013, 01:39:38 AM Sorry Alex, but it would be very unprofessional to inlcude you at this moment, although I'd really like to. There has been plenty of time, and I was 100% sure that you hadn't missed the topic. My guess was that you didn't want to taint your playing experience by seeing an intermediate, buggy version, but I understand now that this wasn't the reason you didn't sign in. Yeah, I understand, and it's okay. It would indeed be very unfair to let me in after the deadline has passed, and I respect your choice.If I were to include you, I'd have to do the same with other people, but unless some of the current testers resign, I'm against that. Your help offer is appreciated though and if I'd decide to open the subscriptions once again you'd be my first choice because you are, and I'm sure you always will be. a piece of Forge. : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Wonkyth January 26, 2013, 08:09:58 PM WB Alex. :D
Also yeah, I'm back in internet range, more or less. However I'm still not home, and don't have access to a computer that even has a working mouse, so I'm still not back into testing. : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Zerointerno September 02, 2013, 01:08:04 AM Hi. I have an access to the internet again. Had to get away without saying goodbye in June and was far away from any civilization from that time until now. It doesn't look like an another testing stage is about to happen, but you can keep me in mind once more.
PS. Not much activity here since my departure. =/ : Re: Going away/coming back thread : abisso September 03, 2013, 10:31:49 AM Heya matey.
Welcome back. Yes, your absence is always heavily felt here since you're one of the few active members. I had several Internet issues until the 21st of July and even if I only had a 5 days vacation in all the Summer, some family issues required my attention too. But I've been working a lot on Forge from the darkness, adding something and dealing with the (expected) unexpected issues and I can guarantee interesting news before the end of Summer. I hope you'll be available then, cause I might need your help again. : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Zerointerno September 05, 2013, 05:47:04 AM I can guarantee interesting news before the end of Summer You mean "...till the end of autumn", "...till the end of September" or "...till the end of the next summer?" ;D BTW found out that my english is horrible. I read my old posts and hardly can understand a thing. Wonder how was you able to figure out at least anything from that barbarian blabbering. xD : Re: Going away/coming back thread : abisso September 05, 2013, 08:08:38 AM The end of the current Summer, granted.
One of my talents has always been reading difficult hand-writings and figuring out the meaning of cryptic phrases, and I guess this applies to foreign languages as well. Anyway, trust me when I say your English is perfectly comprehensible. Almost none of the people I have worked with (me included) are native speakers, but I rarely had a tough time in understanding them. The irony is I'm currently having a lot of trouble in exchanging English emails with a Russian guy and... I guess I'll send you a PM for this, since we're already deeply off-topic here. : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Zerointerno September 05, 2013, 02:34:00 PM Man, the current summer is not a current one already, it is five days long as we have September. ;) Is September considered summer in your homeland maybe? ???
: Re: Going away/coming back thread : abisso September 05, 2013, 07:56:08 PM Sure thing! Summer ends the 20th of September! It starts the 21st of June and lasts three months like all the seasons. Isn't it like that in your country?
: Re: Going away/coming back thread : Zerointerno September 05, 2013, 11:35:35 PM Nope. We consider summer starting with the first day of June and ending with the last day of August. So it is already autumn in Russia and it rains as hell accordingly to the season nature.
: Re: Going away/coming back thread : abisso September 06, 2013, 08:05:11 AM Wow, this comes really unexpected! I'm not saying one system is better than the other, but since 21st of June is the Summer Solstice, I thought it was the common rule to mark the beginning of Summer with that one. Instead, I discovered there are lots of different rules for marking the beginning of the seasons.
It's funny to see how simple conventions gain so much strength in our minds that they attain the status of Truth. And it's nice to break free from this condition. Well, I'll never refer to seasons any more when it comes to giving deadlines and announcements! : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Zerointerno September 07, 2013, 03:51:56 AM And I am surprised either. Good to learn.
I wonder now - which days do you consider outlining winter then? The winer soltice and the spring equinox? Or simply the winter starts the same day the first snow falls? xD : Re: Going away/coming back thread : abisso September 07, 2013, 07:13:27 AM It's exactly as you suggested: solstices and equinoxes mark the beginning of the respective seasons.
Not that it matters that much: I always find funny when people still is surprised when a season seem to "start" or "end" later, or when one season seem to be compressed by the others. It's not a clockwork, dammit! And also, human activities have their share of guiltiness for that, of course. Oh, and in my city we hardly ever had snowfalls until the last years; and the snow rarely builds up on the ground before it's melted by the sun. : Re: Going away/coming back thread : Zerointerno September 08, 2013, 01:04:53 AM Actually it matters much if you live in a countryside or small towns like I do. Living there (here) depends on the farming somehow, so a delayed spring or a hasty autumn are of some importance. Though such events aren't of much surprise now. Mankind activity really counts.
Well, we simply used to dedicate every three months for each season. But although March is supposed to be the first spring month - it hardly can be distinguished from a winter nowadays. The last year it yielded twice as much snow as all the supposed-to-be-winter months summarized. A tons of snow to clean off every four hours or one's house would be literally buried with it. Seems like your season system is more accurate even for us nowadays. And seems like we lead this topic into the depths of offtop. =) |