: Time for an Update, and Thank you's : Da_Duke2000 February 07, 2010, 04:37:00 PM Just an update to our staff and visitors on our progress.
We've been doing extremely well with our progress recently, and a whole bunch of people have been instrumental with lending a hand. Our lead background artist has just cranked out his 5th Completed background, and he has one more is currently in the works. Two additional backgrounds might also be on the way from two other artists excited to try their hand on the style. Lets wish them the best. Abisso will be trying to find time in mid-February to tackle the Menu system for the start of the game. This will include a Protection screen, interactive Option selection, and place holders for Extras and potentially MiniGames. Bosa has provided us with a few wonderful tracks for our Demo, which we cannot wait to implement and see them on a working exe. We are still in need of a few simple sprite animations, simple things like walk cycles and other basic animations. I would love to hear from someone if they wanted to try and help. I can easily setup some piece work. Our demo is effectively hinging on such things. One last detail. Thank you to everyone who has made their contribution to this project, both past and present. I would like to quickly list off those who have my thanks. Thank you to: Abisso Kaio lexip3d matt0 sag - Art TakayoArt selmiak Bosa JoshAstorian hannah200 nvision klav schrumpfkopf direchimpanzee peach Corby |