
Everything Forge => Updates & News => : Da_Duke2000 October 22, 2010, 11:18:07 PM

: October Updates
: Da_Duke2000 October 22, 2010, 11:18:07 PM
First off, a big thank you to all the current names on the Donations listing. It is through the efforts of those people, that the second Guild is coming to life, and Chapter 2 is well under way and our first panorama sized background is simply gorgeous...really it is sexy! A BIG hats off to Matt Walkden our background artist.

Chapter 1 has been completely finalized in terms of Background Art, Plot and Puzzle points, and Dialogue. We're currently in active scripting with the final 10-20 animations to be completed. I send out one final call to Pixel artists who may frequent the boards to send me off an email if you feel your talents could in any way benefit the project.

FORGE is still going strong, and I'm gratified to share this good news with everyone.

Until next update! Thanks again!

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