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News: Forge's Chapter One has been released on the 16th of December 2013!
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16  Everything Forge / Updates & News / Re: One year later... (New Year 2015 Update) on: March 26, 2015, 02:10:45 PM
Hi Michel, and welcome on the boards.

I'm grateful for your interest and I really appreciate the fact you took some time to encourage us and try to help. However, as you correctly guessed, yours is a Frequently Asked Question.
Follow the link and check the last 3 questions.

In any case, if I was to pay the salaries for myself and for the other team-mates, the amount of money required would be much higher than you think. If you start to pay someone it's only reasonable that you pay everyone and even if you keep the salary very low... well, do some maths considering a minimum of 4 people and 12 months of development (40 hours a week).
Consider that with Crowdfunding you usually get an average of 50% of what people pledged (because of taxes, perks / rewards, etc.) and you'll have the crowdfunding myth debunked.
17  Everything Forge / Updates & News / Re: One year later... (New Year 2015 Update) on: March 11, 2015, 09:01:35 PM
Hi Zeeg, hi Guvna. Glad you're happy to see me. For a moment I thought you had a gun in your pockets. Wink

As a small update, a particularly time-tolling commitment that began shortly after last update prevented me from starting the translation phase yet. Both guidelines and the main file are almost ready, but I arrive at the end of the working day so drained that I can't even consider applying the last touches and doing a double check.

You're used to being patient with me, so I'm sure it's no big surprise.
18  General Discussion / Adventure Gaming - Loom Island / Re: Loom Postmortem on: March 08, 2015, 11:50:52 AM
Well, working of Forge has never been "safe". We knew that from the very beginning and that's the reason we always kept a relatively low profile. Even setting the donation system has been a risk and we thought long before deciding to set it up.
Funny thing is I asked advice to Mr. Moriarty about how to attract a bit more fans without risking too much. Maybe this is his answer to that? Just kidding, of course.

I think Moriarty's move can only be explained as a test for people's interest. Seeing if there's enough hopes and expectations to justify an attempt to work on a sequel or a spiritual sequel. For this same reason, I don't think they didn't mention our project to protect it, because the kind of attention that has been raised goes exactly against us.

Making a proper sequel without using elements from Loom is out of question. You can make an inspired game, sure, but it takes a lot of attention and care. You need to remove all references and concepts to an extent that makes you 100% safe from the risk of being sued or stopped during production. Because, hey, the chances to win against Disney are the same as being struck by lightning and the consequences of a loss can be as disastrous.

As per the reasons I said WadjetEye don't (mainly) do pixel-art, it's simply a technical one. Pixel-art doesn't just mean using low-res. It's a very specific kind of art, with its strict rules and its distinctive looks. No use of filters is just one of those rules, and many WadjetEye games make abundant use of them, giving that sort of "blurred" effect to backgrounds. Characters are usually in pixel-art, though.
There's a lot of sources you might look into if you're interested in knowing more about Pixel-art. I recommend this link:
The comparison with Crystal Shard is spot on, as they don't use true pixel-art as well. I think it's a design choice, as they are much more influenced by Sierra, and Sierra didn't use pixel-art in most of their games.
To be frank, even Forge is not 100% true pixel-art (it would be long and boring to explain why, but a trained pixel-artist would notice immediately).

I humbly agree Ch.1 is far from perfect, and also far from how I wanted it to be and from what it could have been. But don't worry, I said "however things go" for a reason. I still hope the journey will go on!

And if it doesn't, I hope someone else will do a sequel, possibly with Brian Moriarty as the game-designer.
19  General Discussion / Adventure Gaming - Loom Island / Re: Loom Postmortem on: March 08, 2015, 09:45:56 AM
Thanks for the update Iurius.

Well, it seems weird that they discovered all they needed to know to state that "legal rights are too complicated" in such a short amount of time. Why couldn't Mr. Moriarty did that little research by himself before making his announcement, taking advantage of his past contacts and accountability? Something is weird here.

But in all honesty, I wasn't lying when I said it would be (have been?) the best for the fans. I can't really deny the chances for the game to be completed would be much higher with a professional company, and time required much less.
As per the quality... well, if Mr. Moriarty is involved it's a no-Brianer!  Grin
Seriously, having him as the game-designer would be a quality and faithfulness insurance right from the beginning.

I also have respect for WadjetEyeGames and Dave Gilbert, mainly for their ability to tell stories. The Shivah is awesome and Gemini Rue is a nice one as well. I recently bought all Blackwell's games but I still have to play them. I even offered my services as an Eng-Ita translator out of respect some time ago, but never received a reply.
The things I don't like much in their games are the art (purely personal taste, it's definitely professional) and the quality of the voice-overs, as I've wrote them in the past. Also, they usually don't make pixel-art games as far as I know, and I'd really like Forge to be pixel-art.
If I was to pick a company I'd go for Crystal Shard (awesome guys both in terms of competence and as human beings). But if I was to pick one out of the three Mr. Moriarty mentioned, I'd pick WadjetEye as well.

What's disheartening, if I have to be honest, is neither Mr. Moriarty nor Dave Gilbert acknowledged our fan-sequel, despite being both well aware of its existence. The Professor even spent very kind and encouraging words for our project in the past, but apparently he doesn't think it would be a worthy sequel, otherwise he could have mentioned it.

In conclusion: would I be happy to find I've wasted so much of my and other team-mates time? No.
Would that be the case, however? Not at all.

We've raised attention for Loom and its sequel (maybe too much, probably not enough); I've learned a lot and had lots of fun, met interesting people, and much more. It's been tough sometimes, but also rewarding, and as such time well spent.

However things go, it's been an interesting journey. I hope you enjoyed it too.
20  General Discussion / Adventure Gaming - Loom Island / Re: Loom Postmortem on: March 07, 2015, 06:45:40 PM
Official sequel would mean no unofficial one, that's for sure. But it would also mean much more chances to have a sequel in a short time, so I guess it would be the best for the fans.

I have a deep respect for Mr. Moriarty, and if our project (which he's aware of and even played from start to finish) has rekindled his interest in the series, I guess I should just be happy.

Let's see how things evolve.

Thanks for the news Iurius, and if you happen to find a recording of the conference, please share it here.
21  General Discussion / Adventure Gaming - Loom Island / Re: Revisiting a classic on: March 03, 2015, 08:20:47 AM
Some years ago, reading this post, my past self would have immediately committed to create that "optimal" version of Loom.

Thank god now I'm a bit better at sorting priorities! Cheesy
22  Everything Forge / Forge Progress - Melting Pot / Re: Inspiration for the Loom? on: March 02, 2015, 12:47:07 PM
All your posts are so interesting cuchulainn that I'm really ashamed I've overlooked all of them for so long.

I'm definitely going to read both the books, and I'm especially thrilled by Kalevala, as I never heard of it despite my huge interest in religions and myths. I hope I can find a copy in Italian, as there would be really no point in reading an English translation from Finnish.

On the other hand, I'll look for an English copy of the Earthsea books.
23  Everything Forge / Updates & News / Re: One year later... (New Year 2015 Update) on: March 02, 2015, 11:46:34 AM
@Iurius: dunno what to say about the tombstones' puzzle... maybe you just were not in the mood for that kind of riddle. It's much easier now both in terms of interface and in terms of hints. All red herrings have been removed too.

Thanks for pointing me to that article. A couple of comments already shown the relation with Forge, but I added mine just in case. I admit it's nice to see our art can be mistaken for the original art, but I also think the journalist should have done a little bit more research before using it in conjunction with Dave Grossman's words.
24  Project Assistance / Translation / Re: Catalan translation on: February 26, 2015, 08:44:01 AM
Thanks Unai! I'd like to see if I'm able to use a single font for Catalan and Spanish. The engine has a (silly) limitation on the number of fonts available.

I already have the Spanish font, take a look and tell me what you think about it (attachment). When I created it more than a year ago, the one who told me the list of spanish charactes probably told me accents on capital letters are not that important, so I skipped all except Ñ. Is it ok? I can probably add them if they're absolutely necessary.

P.S. I think we should continue the discussion we started at the end of last year. Privately of course: I'll contact you by email in the next days.
25  General Discussion / General Discussion - Vintner's Guild / Re: guys, you have to see this: new game on: February 24, 2015, 11:57:46 AM
I was aware of this game, though I still haven't had time to try it out.

There's also another one which looks equally promising, but I'm not sure if it's still in the making. The guys behind it are Svarun Studios, (ex- Apeiron Studios) and they started with a Loom fan-game, to then move onto an original game inspired by Loom. Their previous website seems down, but here is a trailer from the former visual director's website:
26  General Discussion / General Discussion - Vintner's Guild / Re: Merry Christmas ! on: February 24, 2015, 11:50:06 AM
I feel so bad for this nice and heartfelt message having no replies, that I couldn't help but replying now, even if it's definitely too late!

So, thanks for the wishes! I too hope 2015 will be a great year for all of you!
27  General Discussion / Adventure Gaming - Loom Island / Re: Revisiting a classic on: February 24, 2015, 11:46:33 AM
Unfortunately I can't assist you, as I've never played the version you're referring to, exactly for the reasons you're planning to do your mod.
The fact scenes had been cut, dialogs re-written and shortened, made it not very appealing to me despite the speech and I never looked for it.
28  General Discussion / Adventure Gaming - Loom Island / Re: Haven't you always wondered? (LOOM style) on: February 24, 2015, 11:40:41 AM
As a game-designer who has also worked as a tabletop rpg game-designer I'm very intrigued by your idea. And I wish I could help you and maybe cooperate, but I have to be realistic and save my time for the video-game.

I could answer most of your questions (with my vision) but actually I don't want to spoil things that will be revealed in Forge and Fold by doing so.

What I can say is:

- I think cloaks used to be weaved manually but lately they've begun to use drafts for that
- I think the effect of gazing into a weaver's hood is related to the weaver and not to the cloak. It doesn't affect all living beings. I also believe other weavers are not necessarily the only ones unaffected.
- there are other "magical creatures"
- I'd rather spare my opinions about the Clerics for spoiler reasons.
- I'd rather spare my opinions about Shephers vs. Weavers, as this is a part of an already existing draft of Fold's plot.
- If you want my advice, don't make Drafts accessible to any "class". My vision of Loom's world, which is already quite clear if you play Forge Ch.1, is that guilds (potentially all of them, maybe?) have different ways to interact with the Pattern, which btw achieve similar results. Blacksmiths use Gauntlets, Weavers use distaffs, Shepherds use their voice.
- Reapers, Thieves, Performers, Merchants and Druids are not present in the Loom canon. Just saying, it's not necessarily a bad thing.
- Some of the Guilds you mentioned will be featured in Forge or Fold (I already know which ones for both, actually), and all of them have a background story thanks to the former project manager Duke and to me. I wish I could share to help you with inspiration, but sadly I can't!
- Beware that Woodcutters are NOT necessarily Lumberjacks. Check what "woodcutting" is, it might give you some inspiration.

So, any news regarding this project? Despite my lack of reply, which was in accordance to my general absence from the Forums, I'm really interested in this. At the very least I'd be glad to play it when it's done.

I think it's a great idea, so keep up the good work!
29  Project Assistance / Graphic / Re: Here To Help on: February 24, 2015, 11:19:17 AM
It was just a spambot Zeeg! It happens sometimes and it's nothing to worry about.But I guess you were pointing the finger to the lack of moderation in the forums, and you were right about that.
30  Everything Forge / Discussion - Chapter One / Re: Windows Technical Support on: February 20, 2015, 08:08:35 PM
Glad you've figured it out by yourself!
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