Ok - posting here for the first time - my apologies for the length:
As a HUGE fan of Loom, Lucasarts adventures, and ambitious fan games, I felt compelled to reach out to you with my thoughts. First, congratulations on all the hard work and effort you've clearly put into this game. While the internet is drowning in fan projects with good intentions, few progress even half as far as yours has, and fewer still come out with even half as good quality. More often they vanish into the void of vaporware, or at best are released many, MANY years after they're planned release, so congrats most of all on actually sticking to your schedule!
However as much as I admire the work that you've done so far, I do have to tell you that I have some MAJOR concerns about the game in its current state. To be blunt, the current method of drawing schematics makes Forge quite simply unplayable. What should be a simple act of connecting dots becomes far worse than a chore - rather it is an agonizing ordeal. Every single time I tried to make one, I found myself failing at least 3 or 4 times before finally completing the pattern. There is nothing fun about this labor. No feeling of accomplishment when I'm at last able to keep my hand steady enough to make the pattern. Just an unbelievable swell of frustration that makes me eager to put my fist through my screen.
This frustration is further compounded by the fact that your team has so clearly done a great job on most other aspects of the game. All of the hard work you have all put in is left ruined and impossible to enjoy. Worse, this excruciating game mechanic goes against the very essence of Lucasarts games and makes solving the puzzles in the game all but impossible without a walkthrough. Most adventure games (especially those adhering to the Lucasarts style) require the player to try all sorts of crazy ideas out before he or she figures out the answer. This means trying one spell out on one thing, then another on something else - fumbling around, and failing till you finally get it right. Lucasarts ideology was not to punish the player for this method of play, but to encourage it. They did this most famously by eliminating death and the possibility of getting permanently stuck, yet they also did so by keeping the interface easy to use. In Loom, it took 4 clicks of my mouse to weave a spell and find out if my idea was right or wrong. In Forge, it could take me four minutes just to find out I'm barking up the wrong tree. This does NOT encourage a player to take the time to solve the game - it drives him straight to a walkthrough.
I therefore implore you to rethink your interface - I see no reason to not simply have the player click on the dots rather than trace exactly (or if tracing is necessary, then make it a far more forgiving tracing that doesnt punish the player for a slightest flick of the wrist). I hope I don't sound too harsh, but I really dont want to see all your efforts wasted due to an easily fixed design issue.
I have many other thoughts on your game - some positive, some not, but I will save that all for another time. (Well maybe one more quickie - the Graveyard puzzle really needs some work to be logical!). Thanks again for your hard work, and best of luck with the rest of the game!