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News: Forge's Chapter One has been released on the 16th of December 2013!
Read more in the Winter Update 2013.
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1  Everything Forge / Updates & News / Re: One year later... (New Year 2015 Update) on: June 25, 2016, 07:57:43 PM
Hi Michel, and welcome on the boards.

I'm grateful for your interest and I really appreciate the fact you took some time to encourage us and try to help. However, as you correctly guessed, yours is a Frequently Asked Question.
Follow the link and check the last 3 questions.

In any case, if I was to pay the salaries for myself and for the other team-mates, the amount of money required would be much higher than you think. If you start to pay someone it's only reasonable that you pay everyone and even if you keep the salary very low... well, do some maths considering a minimum of 4 people and 12 months of development (40 hours a week).
Consider that with Crowdfunding you usually get an average of 50% of what people pledged (because of taxes, perks / rewards, etc.) and you'll have the crowdfunding myth debunked.

So here's the deal... Everyone and their mothers would happily Donate to a "Forge T-Shirts" Kick Starter. The only thing you need is exposure, and an income stream. Double your goal if you're worried about net earnings. And please... let's just get this thing done so the fans of the series can get their hands on it! A progress bar last updated in December 2013 isn't doing you guys any favors. And if you're worried about drawing attention or a cease and desist, just direct your links on the Kick Starter to this thread or the FAQ's. Not only that, but exposure might actually get you the attention of people with the copyright's that could allow you to proceed legally with their permission. I think this project has been dragging its feet for long enough. Lets get this thing done. And for the record, you already have the attention of Brian Moriarty (Author of Loom) and he doesn't seem to mind -->
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