« on: September 28, 2011, 09:44:29 AM » |
Ok guys, it's been a while since the last update, and, sadly, most of the news are bad ones. Progress has been really slow during the Summer, with few to none significant achievements, but we warned you that it was gonna be a lazy summer, after all!
The really sad news is Duke, Quill o'the Wisp co-founder, and more importantly, the one "who started it all", has taken the hard decision to abandon the project. Both school and family require most of his time, and he felt the few hours a month he could use for Forge wouldn't be enough. So, he bravely resigned, in order to allow for a re-organization of the project and team.
So, basically, I'm the only stable and official member right now, and I took some days to think about what was the best thing to do. I've decided I'll try my best to carry the project on by myself until the relase of the next (and last) demo, which will include a fully playable Chapter 1. Most of the stuff needed is ready, and I just need to wrap it up, fill up some holes and release it.
After that, and accordingly to the success of the demo, I'll see if it's worth to go on or not. In any case, I'll do my best to let the project live by finding an "heir" to continue the effort, and providing all the help and resources. Duke agreed with this plan, and I want to thank him publicly for his decision to let me use all the resources we've gathered in the years, including the ones he worked on, and the ones he had to pay for (backgrounds mostly).
On the Italian (mine) front, I had a truly tough time too, caused by health issues in my family and some personal delusions, but things are better now and I feel creative once again. But mind that time to dedicate to Forge has significantly shortened, so expect slow progress. If I absolutely must announce a plausible date for the release of the demo, April 2012 seems reasonable enough.
Well, that's all... Duke told me he'll leave a personal message on the boards in these days, to explain things better, and say goodbye (at least a temporary one, or so I hope)
Thank you all for the warmth, support, and patience. Forge was, and still remains, HOT.
Enter the abyss...
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 09:52:07 AM » |
I'm sooooo looking forward to the Demo Release 
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 11:44:18 AM » |
Me too! Thanks for the information. As long as the project itself is staying alive, will the world be beautiful
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2011, 01:13:49 PM » |
Really sad to see Duke leaving, but it's nice to hear that the demo is approaching.
By the way, if you decide to cancel this project, could you please make all the art, the engine, the story, etc become publicly available? It would be horrible to see that getting lost forever.
EDIT: Oh, yeah, I forgot to say this. It may be a good idea to not make the game overly long, as you're pretty much alone on this right now. It's not like Loom was particularly long.
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2011, 02:55:51 PM » |
Thanks theGonzo and Alex... I'll never grow tired to say how much your support is important for me... By the way, if you decide to cancel this project, could you please make all the art, the engine, the story, etc become publicly available? It would be horrible to see that getting lost forever.
Of course. This is exactly what I meant when I wrote: "In any case, I'll do my best to let the project live by finding an "heir" to continue the effort, and providing all the help and resources." There is, if I decide to quit, I'll "train" someone else and give him/her all the stuff for free. Oh, yeah, I forgot to say this. It may be a good idea to not make the game overly long, as you're pretty much alone on this right now. It's not like Loom was particularly long.
Sure, sure. It's not so easy to measure the length of the game right now, but we'll all have a clearer view as soon as the demo is ready.
Enter the abyss...
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2011, 05:42:00 PM » |
Sorry to hear you guys have had a rough time of late. Regardless of how many decades it may take, Forge will always be at the top of my awaited games list, and I thank you, Duke and all the rest of you who were involved in bringing the project so far for all the time and money invested.
Forge Forever!
Posts: 22
Welcome back to the Age of the Great Guilds.
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2011, 01:01:58 PM » |
What a pity  At least, it's temporary, maybe he could return  But, if not, thanks to him, he has started a very exciting project! And of course, I'm still here to collaborate with Forge: Remember, Abbiso, whenever you want, send me the dialogues and I will translate them into Spanish. See you!
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2011, 08:22:19 AM » |
Hi there. Darn, I wish I could help. But I don´t know how to program. But I could do the german translation of the dialogues, if german translation is planned. I´m from germany, so I speak german fluently. In order to do a good translation I would need the dialogues and discriptions of all ingame dialog situations. Just post them to the forum, I will do my very best, promise 
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2011, 09:32:16 AM » |
Hi there. Darn, I wish I could help. But I don´t know how to program. But I could do the german translation of the dialogues, if german translation is planned. I´m from germany, so I speak german fluently. In order to do a good translation I would need the dialogues and discriptions of all ingame dialog situations. Just post them to the forum, I will do my very best, promise  I don't think Abisso would be very eager to post the script on a public forum, especially not while the game still is in development. It's nice to see someone who wants to help, though.
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2011, 07:50:21 AM » |
Hey guys... I don't want to sound nitpicky but please: there's a "Project Assistance" section in the forum for this kind of things, so let's use that from now on, ok?  That said, thanks to both MPinillos and Exazubi for your kind offer. I will probably need you both as soon as the demo is done. And, just so you know, Adventure Game Studio has a feature that creates a .txt file with all the lines to be translated, making it very easy and straightforward to do so.
Enter the abyss...