Thanks for the feeback, mate.
Although I've already answered your question privately, since a lot of people has wondered why I haven't used a crowd-funding platform, I've added an answer to our
FAQs. Here it is:
Why don't you rely on a crowd-funding platform?
Since the game uses some copyrighted material from Lucas, using a crowd-funding platform is more likely to attract unwanted attention, which could result in a cease&desist order. Moreover, according to the laws of my country, crowd-funding qualifies as commerce, whenever you pay knowing you will receive some "product" in return. Commerce requires a special license and the payment of taxes.
The current system is quite humble instead and doesn't offer products in exchange, so can be safely considered as a tax-free donation system. Due to its nature is also less likely to bother the owners of the copyrights.
Things might change in the future though, and if the project is on the verge of dying for lack of funds, any reasonable method of keeping it alive will be taken into consideration.