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News: Forge's Chapter One has been released on the 16th of December 2013!
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Author Topic: Forge: Chapter One - 3rd beta-stage (Post to volunteer as tester)  (Read 37582 times)
Fruit of the Loom
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« on: October 18, 2013, 04:23:26 PM »

Whether you ended up here by chance, or answered the call I sent out, welcome!

This is the moment, this is the place. For what? For giving your contribution to the world of Loom and its sequel.

Now that the release date is getting closer and closer, we need competent, serious and dedicated people to help our small group of testers become super-efficient.

Those of you who have tested in the 2nd stage and still have the Beta-Tester status are confirmed, of course, and don't need to post here. On the other hand, please contact me privately in case you want to be removed from your assignment.
The ones who had been confirmed as testers in the past, but had their status removed still need to post here for confirmation though.

In contrast to what happened in the previous stages, this time I want much more testers. But in the unlikely event of a really unmanageable amount of people enrolling I will evaluate requests in the usual way:

1. Donors come first.
2. Members with the best curriculum come first.
3. Members with a high post count come first.
4. First come, first served.

I can't stress enough on the "curriculum" point. Don't just write "yeah, I will test the game". Talk about your experience as gamer and tester, explain why you'd like to help us out and why you believe you can do this better than others.

Don't forget being a beta-tester is a position of high responsibility: frankly I'm tired of people that are enthusiastic and resolute until there's actually need to spend some time and effort to provide concrete help. Please don't waste your time and our time by signing up, unless you're 99% sure you can actually stay true to your word. That 1% is left out purposely, because hitches happen, and I'm always as supportive as I can in those cases.

Last, but not least, all the beta-testers will get proper credits in the game, of course.

As soon as you've been chosen, you'll receive detailed instructions by email and PM as well as the Beta-Tester forum status, which will grant you access to a special section. Nothing fancy, just a sub-board to discuss the testing, and some easy guidelines to follow.

So, once again: Subscriptions are open!

Enter the abyss...
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« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 07:39:49 PM »

Hey, I got an email telling me to come here. As a huge fan of the original Loom, I feel it is my duty to help with this in any way that I can. Since voice acting didn't work, I'd love to help with the beta testing. How can I get started?

EDIT: I really should read the OP more carefully. I forgot to list my beta testing experience! I have tested a couple different games in the past, and have discovered game-breaking bugs in one of them. It was an RPG, and I discovered that after a certain cutscene, the player character reappeared not only in the wrong place, but in a place that made continuing the game impossible. I also have a great ability to notice typos.

I have been playing games, including adventure games, since I was very young, and I have a very large knowledge base. I have actually written an article on the Zork series that was published in a book. I love to experiment in games and find secrets, a skill which might come in handy in finding bugs in unexpected places.

I hope I will be able to assist you.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 07:59:35 PM by Arjak » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 08:59:17 PM »

Hey abisso,

Sorry, the email was sending me to the old thread.  I would like to help out with the beta testing if you need it.  I've been watching and waiting for it to get this close for almost 2 years!

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« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2013, 09:38:10 AM »

 Shocked I can't wait to test the first chapter!! I've been waiting for the game for so much time! Many years and if there's anything that I can do to help even if just testing the game I'll be happy in doing it! Wink Just tell us what we'll have to do next! I did receive an email too Grin
Oh and this is just my first time "testing" a game but well there's always a first time isn't it? Smiley

Samuel Varg Thunberg
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« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2013, 04:26:10 AM »

I'm up for the task.

I have been beta-testing professional made games before (BG:EE and currently BG2:EE).
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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2013, 09:19:13 AM »

If you still need someone for the beta-test, I'd love to apply.

I do have some previous beta-testing experience (mostly some NWN and Morrowind mods and some italian translations).
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« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2013, 11:44:46 AM »

I'm interested in joining the beta-testing. My experience as a gamer is long. I've played many adventures, old and new ones, including almost all of the Lucasfilm Games, some of  the Sierra and Adventure Soft, and some recent indie developed adventure games. I've played a lot of other games, mostly action and RPG, but not excluding anything.

As Beta-Tester, I've experience in Online gaming, such as TF2, Dota2 or SWTOR. Specifically in TF2, I’m moderator in a server with custom maps, which I’ve tested since the first version, giving recommendations of how to improve them.

As for why I’m interested in the project, must say Loom is one of my favorite graphic adventures of all time, and even now I replay it from time to time. Being involved in the development, even in "just" the testing, makes me proud, and wish I could have done more.

As why I should being in the project, I can say I’ve the interest to keep myself in the project and some experience and attitude to follow the orders given. Also, I can understand English and Spanish, which can become useful for testing not only the game but the translated version of it.

Hope I can get into it, even counting my low post rating Tongue.
Fruit of the Loom
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« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2013, 03:09:21 PM »

Just as a note to everyone: I will keep the post open until I believe I've got enough people aboard and / or until it's starting to be too late to stay true to the release date. Shortly before I close the post, I'll also contact all the chosen ones and give them further instructions.

Until then, everyone please spread the word and feel free to invite other efficient and trustworthy people you know.

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« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2013, 01:52:38 PM »

Hey abisso, I just wanted to let you know that I unfortunately can't help you in the third betatesting stage. Things are still too busy here with work, two young children and other things.

But I wish you all the best for the following months. The result will be amazing (I'm sure of that) and I'm really looking forward to playing the game during the christmas holidays.

Sorry again
Keep up the good work
Fruit of the Loom
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« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2013, 06:50:59 AM »

3rd Beta-stage will begin on November, 4th.

Selections will stay open until then, but people that's already been chosen will be notified tomorrow, and as they enrol.

Please spread the word about the testing, as we are still below the number I'd have imagined to be do a good selection.

@Bounce: np man, you've done your share already. My best wishes for both your job and your family!

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« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2013, 05:45:21 PM »

Vormaen, here, as always late to the party but ready to boogie~

I've extensive beta testing backround.  Don't Starve, Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, City of Heroes, Champions Online, LOTR online,
Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, EverQuest (PS2), Maple Story, Dofus, Ryzom, Guild Wars, The Matrix Online, Allods Online.......those are just the titles I can remember.

My love for Loom has never faded.  It shows in my art, and quite frankly I miss the world, no matter how short of a title it was.  There is so much room for expansion of the backstory of the guilds and and so I have silently watched this project.  When Chaos, the fan made sequel fell through (of which I was to design character art for) I needed my fix, and you have given it to me.
Fruit of the Loom
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« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2013, 10:21:46 PM »

There have been much less entries as I hoped, so I tried to wait as long as I could. To make things worse, I've been cut out from internet and telephone for a week until today. It's the 2nd time in a few months, and I'm starting to hate my internet provider with all myself.

Anyway, I took into account delays when I set the release date, so we're still perfectly on schedule.

Beta-testing 3.0 will begin today, November the 7th, after I get some sleep. Chosen people will be notified and the testing will begin immediately. Subscriptions will be kept open even during the testing for at least a week. Please don't be ashamed to enrol and / or do some recruitment.

Thanks to all of you for your patience.

Enter the abyss...
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« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2013, 03:02:04 PM »

Do you still need another tester?

Regarding my previous testing experiences, I took part in the Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 betas, I was a tester for both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 and I tested many french Morrowind mods (including those which are probably still the best ones: the marvellous Serviteur de Ancetres and the huge Archipel de Pertevue, as well as countless quests mods, tweaks, gameplay mods etc.). Recently I also took part in the Dota2 beta test (during the very last months).

As for why I'd like to test the game, I'm a long time adventure lover (especially Lucasarts ones, but I was an ardent Sierra fan as well) and Loom was probably the one I liked the most, due to the sheer originality and the incredible atmosphere.
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« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2013, 05:40:36 PM »

If there is still time, and you still need people, please contact me for the beta testing.
I´m a big fan of Loom, and i have been awaiting this for ages!
Thank you

PS: My e-mail is in my profile.

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