I apologize for the delay in opening such an important topic. As the game has been specifically designed to run on Windows, I figured out there wouldn't be any issue. But I overlooked something in the process.
Here is a list of useful info:
- Installer version: this is the recommended download for Windows users. Your system tends to be very suspicious, however, and might tell you the file is potentially malicious. Please don't trust your operating system! As long as you downloaded the game from our website, there is no risk at all in running the application. No viruses, no trojans, no malware. Rest assured.
- Installer-free version (archive): as explained in the Downloads Page, .tar is a standard archive extension. Not as renowned as .zip, .rar. or .7z, but common enough. It's got nothing tricky and you can use your standard un-archiving program to open it, be it 7Zip, Winrar, or Winzip. Pointless to say, no malicious content inside this one as well.
- Installation folder: if you want to unlock Rewards, and be able to save, DON'T install the game into a folder where you don't have writing privileges. This is explained in the PC Reference Card, but it's worth repeating. If you're unsure of which folder to choose, just leave the default one.
This list will be updated as new feedback is gathered. Feel free to use the thread to ask for support, and to report a specific problem / solution.