« on: May 04, 2010, 03:29:10 PM » |
In thinkin of the sequel, i thought it might be helpful to look back and decide what was it about loom that so thoroughly captivated us? is there some particular feature that stayed with you? did you have a favorite part to the story that was just awesome? was it that amazingly catchy 8-bit swan lake theme song? maybe talking about why the first game was so awesome can shed some light on what we definately need to hit on again.
i'll go first: everything. but that's too easy an answer. the theme song to this day is one of the most lasting images of the entire game for me. a perfect haunting melody that seemed to speak to everyone. when you hear the theme song for forge, i truely hope it envokes the same sort of emotion, definately score will be a huge part of the Loom trilogy. i'd also say simplicity of interface. in a time where complex item interactions (i.e. rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle plus like everything) seemed to be the answer to every problem, loom spoke volumes with its simple elegance. the user had only a cursor, and a distaff of very few notes, no complex interactions, no ridiculous puzzles that had illogical solutions, every spell served a simple purpose, and all the puzzles were very straight forward. i think loom was the first game from lucasarts to truely reach a universal audience (hell, my mom beat the game for christ sakes... MY MOM!) The game was quite linear too, despite a very open world, all interactions were essentially predetermined and you didn't have to think your way through every conversaion, you would just sit back and drink in the story like a movie. Not to mention, the game was BEAUTIFUL. i mean really, the color choice, the environments, the "rifts in space," the shores of wonder, i mean really, was there any scene that was not a feast for the eyes? all the graphic had a very signature look to it as well, when you were in each part of the world, the color scheme was completely tied into the personality of the guild. the clothes looked like the building and were colored as such, the caves were dark and mysterious, loom island had a run down sort of aged look, the loom itself was gorgeous and the blacksmithery was terrifying. if forge is to feel like loom, every distinct guild area, must have a color scheme and environmental styyle to match. from what i can see of the tech demo, you're right on with the simplistic interface. one of my favorite parts of the game was going back to the previous areas through the rifts and seeing what damage had occured and fixing it, as well as the part with the scrying spheres. i would be extremely happy to see scrying spheres make a comeback or to see what new treasures the other guilds have. also everyone talked very respectfully and oldenstyle, but still in english, no slang all proper english. it really made the dialog feel right in place.