"Hi all, I'm gumpy from the AGS Forums. I just joined here and wanted to share some information about our project, which is another LucasArts fangame. I originally posted this as really long copy and pasted spam topic, but Duke was kind enough to speak for me and edit my post. I didn't mean any harm, and I'm sure I'll post a few posts about FORGE soon. Let me know your thoughts!
(Sentences above paraphrased by Duke)Binary Legends Presents...Indiana Jones and the Seven Cities of GoldOur game is a free fan-made Indiana Jones point and click adventure. The game will be done in the classic Fate of Atlantis style. The game is under development right now. It is being made with Adventure Game Studio and is for Windows PCs.
Official Topic at the AGS forums:http://www.bigbluecup.com/yabb/index.php?PHPSESSID=e6mh8aq1suaol7tneufhnok737&topic=40184.0Binary Legends Website:http://binarylegends.5gigs.net/